Usec. Eduardo Del Rosario
Administrator & Executive Director Office of Civil Defence, National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council NDRRMC (PHILIPPINES)

Lynnda Nelson
International Consortium for Organizational Resilience,

Dr. Alfredo Mahar Lagmay
Executive Director Project Noah Department of Science and Technology DoST, (PHILIPPINES)

Nathaniel Forbes
Director Forbes Calamity Prevention Pte. Ltd (SINGAPORE)

Gloria Steele
Mission Director for the Philippines and Pacific Islands United States Agency for International Development, USAID, (PHILIPPINES)

Hon. Joey Salceda
Governor Albay Province (PHILIPPINES)

Kuldip Nar
Managing Director
Asia, AidMatrix (INDIA)

Aslam Perwaiz
Head of Disaster Risk Management System Department
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, ADPC (THAILAND)

Nisar Ahmed Khan
Head of Business Continuity Management Kuwait Finance House (KUWAIT) "Winner of Middle East and Asia 2012 BCM AWARDS"

Victor Bai
Asia Council, International Association of Emergency Managers (CHINA)

Tony Ahn
Cheif Digital Architect
Tony Ahn & Co. (PHILIPPINES)

Mark Keim M.D.
Associate Director of Science Center of Disease Control and Prevention (USA)

Henry Ee
Asia Regional Director Business Continuity Institute Asia, BCI ASIA (SINGAPORE)

Sujit Mohanty
Regional Programme Officer United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, UNISDR (THAILAND)

Wynnford Medrano
Head of Procurement Property Management and Alternate Business Continuity Manager AXA (PHILIPPINES)

Patrick Mcilwee
Director Resilience, Legislation and Enforcement Syndicus Information Security LLP (UNITED KINGDOM)

Raj Kumar Kunhiraman
Manager Training and Skills Development, International Multi-lateral Partnerships Against Cyber Threats (IMPACT) (MALAYSIA)

Ron Chua
Director, Risk Management Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts (SINGAPORE)

Kathlyn Kissy Sumaylo
Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Programme Specialist (PHILIPPINES)

Myra Ocampo
Deputy Head of Operations Fort Bonifacio Development Corporation (PHILIPPINES)

Smud Poom-on
Emergency Response & Crisis Management,
Thai Airways (THAILAND)

Marco Carlos
Head, Safety and Environment Manila Electric Co. (PHILIPPINES)